503-969-7744 or 702-280-6813


Our film weaves a magical tale that chronicles a journey full of twists and turns, fear and joy, of an endearing, musically gifted bunny - Huggins.
There are two lands in The 4th World, Rother Kingdom and Greenswold. Enormous, sheer, vertical rock cliffs rise thousands of feet above Greenswold making the inhabitants of Rother Kingdom in the Highlands, and the inhabitants of Greenswold in the Lowlands, unknown to each other.
Huggins is the story of an extremely bright and musically gifted bunny who is well loved by the inhabitants of Rother Kingdom. Denying Huggins the position of conductor of the Rother Kingdom Orchestra, through the nefarious actions orchestrated by his evil musical rival Ruchent, Huggins is thrown over the Terium River Falls. Huggins, near death, wakes in the unknown land of Greenswold, in the mist of a towering waterfall with a no memory of who he is or where he is from.
He is found and taken in by a family of amusingly charming orphans. Although the orphans of Greenswold play musical instruments, it is unheard of to play together. The reasoning? “How can you hear what I’m saying if we are talking at the same time?” As Huggins recovers, he composes a simple piece for them to play together. Although skeptical at first, as they play his music they soon discover a fun new world of harmony and melodies that create a joyful new spirit of togetherness in Greenswold.
The orphans and the inhabitants of Greenswold fall in love with Huggins and his talent. Curious about Huggins and where such an extraordinary bunny comes from, Rax, the head of the orphans warren, surmises that he must have fallen from a land above the towering waterfall. Rax secretly sends two squirrels up the seemingly endless steep cliffs in hopes of reuniting Huggins with “a family that surely must be missing such an exceptional bunny”.
Weaving a heartwarming tale of twists and turns, tragedy and triumph, Huggins and the inhabitants of Greenswold thwart Ruchent - and unite in a musical celebration that brings together the two lands.

In the making of Huggins, as in all of EDQ's animated films, we utilize our working relationships with cutting edge artistic innovators around the world. This allows us to mitigate overhead costs.
However, the artistic vision and the crux of the animation process to reach final form is performed by EDQ.
Using Huggins as an example, below are the animation stages that are fairly typical for an animated film. Added, of course, is EDQ's customized touch using our proprietary software technology.

In the next step, we attach our “rig” to each element and send it to an “animator” who uses the rig to make the “model” move. The Rigger has no access to the Rig he can only used rig points to make the model move. We then add color, texture and motion.

Our modeler creates a wire frame of an element... stone porch, character or door... it is made of polygons... and it is created in wire frame.
This allows us to see what it looks like skinned. The door, porch and character are separate builds.

In the third stage of EDQ's animation process, we add the rest of the elements of texture, light, color, motion of the camera.
No one but us performs this step in every model.

Next we add additional elements modeled... trees, background etc... We can create any angle or shots by controlling the camera position and movement.
We then morph every character and element into their final movements for each scene.

The final stage is Rendering and Compositing. This is also where most of the time and expense can be found.
Rendering is one of the major sub-topics of 3D computer graphics, and this practice is always connected to the others on the graphics pipeline. It is the last major step, giving the final appearance to the models and animation.
For a more detailed description of the animation process, an how EDQ can produced Huggins or any animated film for far less than the major studios, please click the button below and go to the Stellaris EDQ Website.

Below are just a few of the video cells designed for Huggins. Click on the individual images to play

Costs per finished animated project various depending on the type of animation being employed. For the typical Disney-type film, animation can cost up to $30,000 per finished second.
Due to Stellaris EDQ's proprietary software technology, we can produce the same product for $3,000 a finished second.
To appreciate the quality of the end product, the six minute scene below was produced at $320 per finished second - almost 1/10 the quality.

Stellaris EDQ's Animation Team brings over 200 years of combined experience in the animation industry. Our team has worked on some of the largest films (animation for live action and animation) ever produced.
To list only a very few:

Music is the heart of any film and through score and soundtrack, the music for Huggins will be profound, thought provoking, inspiring, and meticulously chosen to capture the emotions of the story.

Richard Nicklaus is the recipient of the
Grammys' Lifetime Achievement Award.
He is an Author and Winner of the Ginza Music Festival.
He will be collaborating with Kim Nicklaus in the creation, development, production, musical composition and orchestration of “Huggins”.
For a sample of Richard's and Kim's music, please click on the samples below.
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Director, Producer, Co-Writer
Mr. Nicklaus is the creator and co-writer of
For full bio, please click on button below and go to Executive Team on the
Stellaris EDQ Website.

Production Supervisor
Mr. Kim Nicklaus, cousin to Richard, is co-founder of EDQ and has collaborated in the creation,development, production, musical composition and orchestration of Huggins.
For full bio, please click on button below and go to Executive Team on the
Stellaris EDQ Website.

Mr. Jeffrey Ross brings over 45 years of film industry experience to the team, and will help with the overall production and distribution of Huggins.
For full bio, please click on button below and go to Executive Team on the
Stellaris EDQ Website.

Christina has been Department Head on over 70 films. She has worked with Steven Spielberg on many films such as JURASSIC PARK, HOOK AND SCHINDLER’S LIST, which earned Christina two Academy Award nominations and a BAFTA
For full bio, please click on button below and go to Executive Team on the
Stellaris EDQ Website.